Return & Refund Policy

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Any Reason

Undamaged products may be returned for a refund for any reason within 30 days of the date of purchase.

Return services are limited to the following circumstances:

  • The model and materials of product are not consistent with the description on the website.
  • The product is purchased in the wrong size.
  • There are problems during the delivery process.
  • A flawed product is received or product with any quality defects (product may be returned only in accordance with the return procedure for defective products.)

Please make sure that the returning item is in resaleable condition and that the original package is intact.

  • No damage or stains on the products.
  • The returning item is unused.
  • All tags are attached with the returning item.
  • All parts and accessories in the package are present.

If any redeemed item is included in the order and the minimal order requirements for receiving the redeemed item could not be fulfilled after returns, the redeemed item must be sent together with the order for the return and refund process. If the redeemed item is not returned, the refund amount will be deducted.


Return Procedure

  1. Email customer service team via for any return request.
  2. Once return request is accepted, a “Return Request Confirmation email” will be sent, which it will state the returning address, the returning item and the total refund amount.
  3. Please pack and seal the returning item securely and send the item back

Please make sure that your order meets the above Criteria for Accepting Returns.

Return shipping is at buyer’s cost unless stated otherwise by our support team

*Recommended: We require the customer to provide a tracking number/delivery confirmation on returned packages to ensure your return is received. YesWord is not liable for lost or stolen return packages during transit/delivery


Refund Details

  • Once we receive the returned products and determine that it meets the return criteria, we will credit back the refund to customer credit card account within 4-6 weeks.
  • If the returning item does not meet the above return criteria, 30%-60% of the amount will be deducted.
  • The refund amount is equivalent to original payment made by customer less any charge stated in this “Return and Refund” document
  • The actual refund date is based on the bank or online payment platform processing cycle.
  • If any redeemed item is included in the order and the minimal order requirements for receiving the redeemed item could not be fulfilled after returns, the redeemed item must be sent together with the order for the return and refund process. If the redeemed item is not returned, the refund amount will be deducted.
  • If the refund order could not meet the minimal order requirements for applying the promotion discount after making return, the total value of the promotion discount will be deducted from the refund amount.


Reasons for Unacceptable Returns

Return would not be applied under the following circumstances:

  1. Products do not meet the criteria for “30-day Return Policy”,If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.
  2. Products that have been improperly used, including but not limited to, being touched with damp objects, chemicals, gasoline, paint, detergent, solvent, or cooking oil, or have been overheated
  3. Damaged products due to improper use
  4. Product packaging with color fading due to display
  5. Products with unclean appearance
  6. Products not being sold on YesWord Online Store

YesWord Online Store reserves all rights of final conclusions for any disputes or disagreements.